Since it's your birthday though I thought I'd list some of the things you'll never get in trouble for. Just for you, me, and Those Wonderful People Out There in the Dark...(I'll give you readers a shout out on your blogs if you can leave a comment and tell me what that means. Gay boys, try and let the straight people have a chance before you go blurting it out.)
- Your sense of humor, as evidenced in the above picture. How nice this was our little photo shoot for the birthmother letter, just the most important picture we'd ever take. And how do you start it?
- Your hotness. *Sigh*
- The way you carry on and on, blah blah blah, everything's my fault...but in the end, you love me more then anything and have made a lot of sacrifices for me. You quit your job, moved out of state, deal with my crazy family, and always put me first...now if I could just get you to stop watching that stupid Hot Fuzz when I'm trying to sleep we'd be golden. That is just the loudest and dumbest movie Ev-ah!
- See #2.
- That way you smile and I can see right down into your soul when you're really happy. Just like that day I took you to Sharon's house and you picked up little Deja Vu when she was just a six week old puppy out of all the others in the litter. I asked you if you liked her and you just had such a look of love and joy on your face. I love seeing that. (You'll yell but at some point I need to make a post about our beloved Mojo, Deja Vu, and Indy, who would make great playmates for Finster if they were still around...*sniff*)
- Making me feel so special when you take me in those big arms of yours and hold me tight.
- Talking me into Project Baby. That's the best thing so far.
Now don't get a big head. Just have a Happy Birthday!