Wow. We did it. We actually did it. We have a baby girl. She's still in the hospital; we can take her home in the morning. Lucy went home this morning; she's doing well. Thank you everyone who was thinking of her. What a wonderful, special person. We are forever grateful.
I wanted to take a time out and roll back the clock to Sunday and catch you up on events. You know the saying, "Getting there is half the fun"? Um, not this time. This was without a doubt (excluding the time we moved from LA to Arizona) the longest drive to LA we've ever had. We've driven back and forth dozens of times, but this one, even minus the stress, was awful. First, 15 minutes after leaving the house, the freeway is closed for construction. Get off, take some side streets, get back on. Not too bad. Now past Phoenix and out into the desert, the following conversation takes place:
B: Well we'll have a lot of nice pictures anyway, and we can start using the new video camera.
G: Yeah that will be good. Which bag did you put the cameras in anyway?
B: Just the regular camera bag.
G: No I mean, which bag did you put that in?
B: No bag. I took it off the couch with the other suitcases and put it in the closet so The Boys wouldn't mess with it. Why?
G: You put it in the closet? Not in a suitcase? You idiot that means we left it home! We have no cameras to take any pictures of the baby AT ALL!
B: Pull over I think I'm going to be sick...
Nice huh? There was already a shot record mix up with The Boys at the Pet Hotel that put us back 15 minutes and had me calling the house in panic that we can't board them if we have the wrong records. Turns out the genius checking us in can't read, and everything was actually fine. Now this. I seriously wanted to vomit. Gregg, to his credit, managed to keep somewhat cool and not kill me. We decided we were already almost an hour from home, turning around was out of the question. I was not going to miss the pictures, so we decided to make a stop at Target along the way and I'd buy the first camera they had. I actually found a nice little Kodak for only $89 on sale so we got it. Of course no one that worked there could find a key to the cabinet, blah blah, subtract another 45 minutes. Now we hit Palm Springs, and a truck towing a camper has a wreck and closes three of four lanes and has us sitting there for over an hour moving no place. I was starting to think we'd never get there. A trip that should have taken just over 5 hours managed to stretch to almost 8. We wanted to scream. We already missed the birth, now this.
When we got to the hospital we went straight to Lucy's room. Because she really does mean so much to us, we wanted to meet her and talk with her before we even saw the baby. She asked the nurse to bring her in right away, and we met our baby girl. I played this over in my mind thousands of times, and it still wasn't what I thought. I was much calmer and collected then I thought I'd be. I think the stress of the day was responsible for that. It wasn't that awkward, as long as one of us was talking to Lucy. In times when we both were focused on the baby, I could see her sort of staring to space. Was she upset or just giving us room? I'm still not sure.
Lucy was discharged this morning. She seemed in a good mood and we watched some wacky comedy from the 30's while we waited for the social worker who was almost an hour late. She signed papers giving us the ability to leave the hospital with the baby and make medical decisions in a very no nonsense matter. Still, I think she's trying to be brave. We are going to call her tomorrow after we pick up Sabrina just to talk and make sure she's OK.
Tonight we went back and gave Sabrina a bottle, and got our family photo taken by the ladies in the nursery. We're sort of the stars of the show over there. I guess we're not the usual couple who--excuse me, I mean family who comes in every day. The ladies there are great. The exception was the woman working in the Birth Center, where you register the baby's name. Lucy left instructions that we were coming in to do that. As a matter of fact, she's been labeled "Baby Girl Smith", Lucy's (not real) last name. The woman there was not a happy person, and didn't seem pleased to see the two of us walk in. She handed the form to Gregg and said "Fill her name in here". He told me to do it because my handwriting is better (prettier?). OK I thought, good set up for a joke. "Yeah let me fill it out, if you do her name will just be Smudge". Man did I get a look of evil from that woman. Geez take a joke. Who cares, tomorrow we get our girl and I guess I change the description at the top of this blog!
OK deep breath, Here We Go
It's time. "Lucy" is on her way to the hospital in L.A. We just got off the phone with her, and she sounds well, like a woman about to have a baby. She's OK though, and that is the main thing. Due to the late hour, we're gonna have to stick it out here until morning. The Pet Hotel is already closed for the night, and won't be ready to take The Boys until tomorrow at 8. That's way later then we wanted to leave, but you can't time these things can you? Now we're headed into The Longest Night. On the bright side, we'll be sure to have everything ready for departure. We did most of our prep work last night and today, so there's not much left to do. Lots of cuddling with The Boys, that's for sure. I'm going to miss them terribly. So we begin The Great Hollywood Adventure Episodes of Those Two Daddies.
Please send out all your good energy, and if you believe in that sort of thing I guess I'll allow a prayer or two, to our birth mother Lucy...right now, she's the one we need to be thinking of above all else.
A still to be thought of Arizona themed prize to the winner.
Anywho, last night as I was taking The Boys for our nightly walk, I was thinking about the baby being born and all that she'll do in her life and all that's in store for her. Sweet thoughts. But then it dawned on me...at the same time, somewhere out there, there is a newborn boy being born as well. The same one who's going to set his sites on our daughter 18 or so years from now with impure thoughts in his warped mind. Probably driving some souped up hoopdie, big fuzzy dice and vodka spiked Gatorade, thinking he's taking her behind the movie theatre or wherever youngin's go to get past third base. Sure he looks cute now, but you can be sure he's got pure evil on his mind when it comes to my little girl! So be warned infant little boy (or even gurl!) I know what you're up to, and I see through your veil of cuteness!
See what waiting does to you?
We've talked a lot, and other open adoption blogs have talked a lot, about Birth Mothers. But what about da baby daddy? Birth Fathers are part of the story too. I'll talk about our daughter to be's Birth Father here a little bit. At the moment, he is out of the picture and Lucy does not know where he is. The IAC has investigated all of the addresses she has given them, but no luck. Therefore, he will not be able to sign relinquishment papers giving up his parental rights. Even if he did respond, (in California anyway) he'd still have to meet with the IAC to sign, which is unlikely to happen. Since the agency has worked with Lucy to do their due diligence on locating him and they cannot, his rights will be terminated in court as "failure to locate". Of course we have to hire a lawyer to do this, but it has to be done. I wish it didn't; I wish he could participate in the process like Lucy, and see what the future holds for his unborn daughter. But I guess if he doesn't care enough to stick around to help her mother give birth or be a supportive parent, well, that says a lot. My gut tells me he's aware of what's happening and just doesn't want to deal with it, so no response is his method of choice. Still, wouldn't it be nice to meet the people who are going to raise your daughter as their own?
Maybe it's good Louie didn't win. Since it's an Arizona themed prize, and he lives in Phoenix, what could I send him that he doesn't already have? My water bill I guess. Oh well.
I'm kind of keeping my fingers crossed that she doesn't decide to appear today. I know I'd hate to go through life with an April Fool's Day birthday. "Happy birthday, April fool". Shut up moron. LOL.