Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Due Date Ping Pong

Here's the latest...after her doctor appointment on Monday, Lucy reports her due date has been adjusted to April 20th, so we're now in the two week window. I just have to say, what the hell is wrong with doctors in California? Come on how hard is it to figure this stuff out? I mean, I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies, but I've never heard of due dates being moved around so much so late in a pregnancy. She has one more appointment tomorrow for a final ultra sound, so we'll see if they change it again. At this point I'd guess if they do it can only move back earlier. But that could be our wishful thinking.


Kate said...

If you are frustrated think about Lucy. I remember my first was three weeks late- talk about waiting for Christmas and watching it pass with nothing.

Finsterette will be here soon- enjoy your rest now.

If I knew your phone number I would be calling you at all hours of the night to make sure you were ready. I am so cruel.

2momswithaplan said...

"I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies, miss scarlet" Sorry but I had to take this line out of your post because I just love this movie so much!

Now... about the important stuff. Waiting is a cruel thing but it will be worth it. It may be hard for them to know exactly when she is due if she never kept track of her cycles before. This could be where the confusion is coming in.

Good luck and as Kate said - get some rest now because there won't be much of that when your daughter is home.

Heather said...

Well it's not any fun at all not knowing what to expect! How frustrating for you - but you can look at it this way - the longer she's in there the bigger and healthier she should become making any chance of a hospital stay unnecessary. That would be so much harder, waiting less then traveling back and forth to visit Finster in the hospital until she's big enough to leave.

The other good side (I can only see good sides here, bigger, healthier, having a baby, etc) is that she'll have an April birthday! Those are THE BEST! Her end of april date was nearly my birthday and the 20th was my dad's birthday.

April birthdays ROCK!

No doubt Finster is an April baby, just give her a bit longer so she can be a bull [taurus] like me!

Lucy said...

How frustrating for all of you! But just think, the longer she "incubates" the healthier your little girl will be!

Keeping my fingers crossed for sooner rather than later though!!

BellaDaddy said...

we can SO relate...."last" Dr's appt on a thursday, Dr. says..."all fine, u r still one week out"...next day, LABOR, Sat morning, BABY! We were in the middle of such a nice dinner too LOL...we drove home, (from Los Angeles) like Zombies...u can read it if you like:


Unknown said...

Kate you're lucky you're a dog lover or I'd have a pithy comment for you! Seriously, come house sit The Boys for us while we're away...

Jen and Kara said...

Isn't April's birthstone the diamond? The little girl already knows that diamonds are a girl's best friend. :)

Unknown said...

Jen and Kara, do you have a secret webcam hidden in our home? As the last hours of March 31st faded away, taking with it the last hope of the (much cheaper) aquamarine (whatever that is) birthstone, my frugal ways were knotting my stomach as Gregg welcomed the now certainty of buying diamonds for a newborn. And I'm sure for himself to, you know, remember her by or some nonsense. *Sigh*

Michael said...

"I knows! I knows! I knows how to do it. I've done it lots and lots. Let me doctor, let me. I can do everything."

I will stick with my prediction.

Peta-maree said...

I feel for you. when I was pregnant with my son I had 3 different dates and he was born 2 weeks later than the latest date I had.

Remember that they are just a guess and that babies come when they are ready. But I do feel for you.

We are still waiting for the Nursery photos.

Also please feel free to drop me a line if you have any birthmother related questions. I have been in an open adoption for nearly 17 years and i am happy to answer any questions that you might have.


Kate said...

ring, ring- oh wait false alarm. Hee hee

The is no HOA ofr farms- but there are not many people that paint these barn quits- so they like to make rules. If I was 1/2 way talented I would just paint my own- but alas I will wait until they approve my painting so I can pay them to make one- hum is something wrong with this picture?

I would love to watch the boys while you are off playing in CA- just drive a little out of your way- we won't even charge you.

Ring, ring

Unknown said...

Just so that everyone knows I did give him nursery photo's to post. Also, we talked to the Mother today and she is 3cm dilated but no contractions so as usual it's a spin of the wheel but her doc told her she probably won't make it through the weekend. Famous Last Words.

Kate said...

Tap, Tap- we need updates here we are getting impatient.

mommy3 said...

I was able to birth one of my three children and yes, my due date was moved 3 times and yes, I still gave birth 10 days "early". Seems like the only one who knew what was the right due date was my daughter! (as yours is, too), he he. . . and given your comment above, maybe an Easter babe?

Michelle said...

Hey, its made by The Wet Set and its called Fun Fish Play Center.
Here it is:
It says $16.99. I got mine for $10 so Im sure you could find it cheaper. Kayla LOVES it. But she loves any kinds of water play.

BellaDaddy said...

P.S. We eat "there" every other Sunday or so, for lunch. Our favorite waitperson is Monica.

Getting so close, we are SO thrilled for you!