The thing I noticed the most was how many babies were there. I'm not sure if there are that many every year, or if I'm just more cognizant of the strollers. I think a lot of people skip Pride with the kids and come here instead. We met a lot of people today, including a two Mom family with twin girls that were only about 18 hours older then Sabrina--how strange is that? Don and Chris were there with Kaitlyn, as well as Jim and Chuck with their kids, our friends who run the local Gay Dads group. They were at the HRC (Human Rights Campaign) booth handing out information and T-shirts. We hung around them for a while and Sabrina helped drum up some attention to the booth. She was in a fun mood today riding around the festival, laughing and giving out the raspberry to anyone that would listen. I think our little girl is going to turn into quite the ham. The temperature around here has finally dropped into the low 90's so it was a very nice day. (I know--if you're not from Arizona, a 90 degree fall day is actually quite pleasant.) The Dad's group has worked with HRC to organize a gay family day at the Phoenix Children's Museum in a few weeks and I helped give out discount coupons. So there are lot's of cool family things going on now and it's fun that Sabrina is active and old enough to kind of enjoy them.
Hanging out at the HRC booth
Our "We're Serious About Equality" looks.
OK I think I'm about over this now...
Sabrina is getting so big!
Mike and I think she looks like the two of you - it's as if you two had her yourselves.
I wish the hubby and I could have gone to the Rainbow Festival, looks like it was a lot of fun.
Maybe next year!
Glad to hear you all had fun!
- Louie and Tim
She gets more beautiful every time I see pictures. We HAVE to get together soon so the kids can meet. Will be in touch,
Sou good to hear about all the babies at the festival!
Oh how nice it is to find a gay couple we can relate to! ;) We're currently on a surrogacy journey ourselves!
wow. I stumbled on your blog and imagine my complete astonishment when I read that you ran into Don, Chris and Kaitlyn; I'm Kaitlyn's birthmother!
Sabrina is absolutely adorable :)
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