Sunday, July 26, 2009

Scream, Too

Calm before the storm

Oh I broke down and got a Facebook account. I'm already bored with it. I'm reading notes from friends telling me their Starbucks order and their happy hour plans and finding myself not really caring. No wonder I waited so long. Also, if I hear once more about Twitter or Tweeting I think I'll open a vein. But that's just me. On to the post
Fate has intertwined two or three events into a stormy weekend. They are, in order of appearance, Sabrina learning she can scream (shriek) at the top of her lungs but not knowing when it's appropriate, 3 month vaccinations, and the potential beginnings of teething (yes at just a tad over three months old!).

So the little darling is a chatterbox lately, talking up a storm of coos and ahhs and ohhs and--I never quite got the understanding of the phrase "blood curdling scream" until now. Insert it after a particularly sweet series of cooing sounds. Your hair will stand on end and your fingernails begin falling out. The first time she did it, time stopped, and we all stared at each other. She was as surprised as we were. Did I just make that sound? Of course I ran over to see what was wrong--nothing, she's back to cooing. My aunt is visiting from NY and Sabrina was in her Bumbo seat (a cool invention on it's own) playing with her "boyfriend", a creepy blanket with a teddy bear head in the middle of it. She's talking to it, lovingly, then SCREAM, then talking, another SCREAM and well you get the idea. It's kind of unnerving! Who are we raising, Sybil?
On Friday we went for the three month checkup. She received a series of shots, which she was very good for, but the doctor told us crankiness was possible for the next few days. Well she was fine Friday and most of Saturday. We went to my sister's for a barbecue and she was a little fussy. She cried most of the hour drive home, and most of the night until we put her to bed about an hour earlier then usual (about 8:30) She went right to sleep.
Today, fussing and crying most of the day inserting the newly minted SCREAM as required. Children's Tylenol didn't do much, but Gregg had some luck with a spot of Oragel. We've been finding that teething pain can start at about this time, and since she's growing so fast (almost 15 pounds and 24 inches long--not fat, but a big girl!) it could be it. After her bath (which she loves) the screaming began but sleep came fast after the bottle. She seems to be content right now. I hope this is vaccination related and ends tomorrow, which also happens to be the start of...Day Care. I'm not looking forward to it...I'll tell you how it goes!


2momswithaplan said...

It sounds like Sabrina is learning to use her voice and using it well! I hope the first day of day care goes well. Be prepared for a very tired baby afterwards.

P.S. I love that picture of Sabrina... those jammies looks so much better against her bedding than the disco jammies. ;)

C.I.W. said...

I simply can't imagine that the little angel pictured above would make such a noise. nope. It can not be true.

Michelle said...

Oh boy...and the teething begins!!!!!!!

Saran said...

Oh boy do I know what it is like to live with a screamer! Eoin would scream constantly for about two weeks before every developmental phase - rolling over, sitting up, crawling etc. I thought I would have to perform CPR on some people because he would scream so loud. Hang in there. We eventually stopped reacting to the screams and they became a little less frequent.

Wendy said...

OMG, well written!! I haven't laughed that much in awhile.
Sorry for your new challenges, but they make you stronger, or something, right? :)

mommy3 said...

Yep -- and they do scream, both genders. It's a job and they do it well. I can also recommend Hyland's Drops, which my children loved (they hated Orajel and all that numbing stuff). Hyland's Drops are tiny white pills that dissolve immediately and have a little bit of BellaDonna in them. That was our teething drug of choice. Ain't it fun? Basically, teething is their job then for abut 2 more years and then periodically after that, but the first about 8 teeth are the worst. My 3 even puked sometimes and usually ran a fever. eek! Don't freak -- you're great dads.

Rik Miller said...

LOL.. and god gave the cuteness a voice... and she has strong lungs.. good for her... LOL...