Friday, July 31, 2009
Day Care For You
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Scream, Too
So the little darling is a chatterbox lately, talking up a storm of coos and ahhs and ohhs and--I never quite got the understanding of the phrase "blood curdling scream" until now. Insert it after a particularly sweet series of cooing sounds. Your hair will stand on end and your fingernails begin falling out. The first time she did it, time stopped, and we all stared at each other. She was as surprised as we were. Did I just make that sound? Of course I ran over to see what was wrong--nothing, she's back to cooing. My aunt is visiting from NY and Sabrina was in her Bumbo seat (a cool invention on it's own) playing with her "boyfriend", a creepy blanket with a teddy bear head in the middle of it. She's talking to it, lovingly, then SCREAM, then talking, another SCREAM and well you get the idea. It's kind of unnerving! Who are we raising, Sybil?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Interview With the Labrador
Saturday, July 18, 2009
3rd Month's a Charm
Today is Sabrina's 3 month birthday. She's a quarter of a year old...yikes! It seems like just yesterday we found her in that bottle on the beach--Oh wait that was I Dream of Jeannie.
What a ride so far...the planning, meetings, waiting, hoping, dreaming--waiting! Worth every minute. Bringing home that cute but mostly unresponsive little bundle from the hospital, and looking at her now--laughing, smiling, kicking, interacting with us, our family and friends, even toys. Private unintelligible conversations with stuffed animals or blankets. Waking up every morning--every one--with a big smile on her face. Falling asleep in our arms, or while laying on our chest in bed. I'm not sure what I thought it would be like, but it's better. I love her, I love my wonderful Gregg, our family with The Boys...Happy 3 Month Chipmunk!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Dirty Dozen
Well late again! I meant to post on Monday, the 13th about how it was our 12 year anniversary. Sabrina is now 0-2 for gifts having blown us off on Fathers's Day and now this. We'll just add it to her tab...
I wasn't going to do this, but because some have asked, here's the scoop on how we met. (Skip this if you're allergic to dairy, specifically cheese...) In 1996 I was working for PETCO as a store manager in Phoenix. Each year they host a manager's meeting for all the managers in the company, and that year it was in Long Beach, CA. It was kind of fun, kind of boring, all at the same time. We were staying at the Sheraton across from the Queen Mary, and I remember coming across the lobby one night on my way to dinner. Standing at the foot of the stairs was this rather cute guy with a really dopey grin on his face, dressed in a suit, obviously waiting for someone. I remember thinking Hmm that guy's cute and walking on. Fast forward to 1997, and I had the opportunity to move out to LA and open a new store. Since I wasn't doing much here and had been single for a few years, I decided to go for it. I really hadn't been to LA at all except for one weekend when I went with my parents to visit some friends and happened to go shopping in West Hollywood. (That is an entirely different story, standing on Santa Monica Blvd in front of the Rainbow flags with my not-yet-out-to parents. Never having been to a gay ghetto before I was in awe and so pissed that I wouldn't have a chance to get back there to party later that night! Like dangling chicken (no pun intended) in front of a hungry dog! I don't recommend walking into Drake's with your mother...)
So following the directions of the District Manager (just drive to LA, you'll find me...yeah right) I packed my stuff, jumped in the car with my dog Mojo, and off we went. I was pleasantly surprised to find my store would be on Robertson and Pico, just a few miles from WeHo. Jackpot! I can be a little shy, and have a hard time meeting people, so I mostly hung out by myself. (I'm not counting the idiot I went on a few dates with. He was pretty, but other then that should have had an "L" tattooed on his forehead.) Anyway each April PETCO has a booth at the Fairgrounds in Pomona at the Pet Fair and all the managers had to go help set up. I had not met any of the other managers in my new district, and was happy to walk in there and see that guy from the year before was already there! We all went to lunch and that's when I found out he lived in WeHo as well. We became fast friends, going out all the time, and by July we were officially dating.
This is of course my rosy recollection. Ask Gregg and he'll tell a tale of being stalked by a mysterious weirdo with highlights. But that's just him...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Xanadu Baby!
116? Really? *Sigh*...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy 6th of July!

On the other hand, Sabrina continues to be a source of love and amazement to both of us. After a few minutes of focused struggling, she is able to roll over on to her tummy now. She's starting to coo and have little conversations with objects in her immediate view. At 2 1\2 months, she has already outgrown more clothes then I own. And that smile...seems it almost never goes away! She'll wake up in the morning, see you looking at her, and out it comes. She loves to smile and is starting to slowly giggle now, and don't stick out your tongue or she'll do it right back. Of course there are tyrannical moments; she turns on a dime when she suddenly realizes--Hey, I'm hungry--bring me a bottle! But that goes without saying.
On the 4th we went to a BBQ given by a couple of dads that we met through IAC. Their baby was born about a month before Sabrina, and we like to think they'll become good friends with a somewhat common history. We had a great time, and she slept the whole way home. Nice.