We're recovered from her party, which was as I posted earlier really a lot of fun. My sister Tricia's friends who we don't even know (Do you read this blog? If so drop a note!) got us these embroidered burp cloths that are really beautiful. I almost hate to let her spit up on them, but it's either the fancy cloths or my favorite six year old Abercrombie T-shirt. And for a gay man that's an easy decision.
We're still doing good in the sleep department; she goes down at about 10:30 or 11 and gets up around 4:30 or 5 for a bottle. That's not bad if you ask me! I think we're kinda spoiled. I'm on paternity leave this week and Gregg's been going to the office, so I have her all to myself. Next week Gregg will go back to working from home and we'll play it by ear for a while. His boss is pretty good about it so far so hopefully day care is down the road a bit.
And is it just me or is Blogger a real pain the neck when it comes to adding pictures to posts? You listening Blogger people? Fix this!